Top 30 David Goggins Quotes To Change Your Life

 We have all have experienced it! The limitation moment!

A moment when you are exercising or maybe you are working, and then your mind says: "ok, I think it's enough, you have reached your limits. "

At this moment, most people stop their efforts and take a rest, but not David Goggins!

He is known as the toughest man alive! one of the most inspiring peoples of all time, and surely a true success story.

If you are here at Mindsetopia to get some motivation and continue the patch of your dreams, then you must read David Goggins quotes.

Here is a summary of these 30 quotes if you are you want to have them in one single image. You get high quality of this image from here:


David Goggins Quotes


The Story of David Goggins


David Goggin's story is absolutely fascinating and totally inspiring. 

He is considered the toughest man in the world, not only physically but also mentally. 

Goggins was the only member of the United States Armed Forces to complete the SEALs' elite training, the USA Ranger School, and the Air Force Tactical Control (TACP) training.

Up to this day, he is the only American soldier who has participated in Hell Week three times, and in the last participation, he concluded with a broken ankle wrapped in silver tape to support the pain.

He currently holds the Guinness record for 4,030 chin-ups in 17 hours and becomes an ultramarathon runner in the toughest races in the world, having several first-place titles, ultra-distance cyclist, and triathlete. Author of the book: You cannot hurt me, Master your mind and defy the odds. (Kindle version).

But it was not enough! He also collects a series of expressive results in ultra-distance events, such as ultra-marathons and ultra triathlons. 

One of them is the famous Ultramarathon Badwater, a 217-kilometre ultramarathon that takes place in the Death Valley in the United States, where only 100 people among 2,800 registrants are approved to participate annually.

I do not doubt that David Goggins could also kill someone using just a pencil...

And this story is even more incredible, knowing that he came from a troubled family environment, with a violent father, suffered bullying daily at school for being the only black child, had serious health problems, struggled with obesity, and even had an irregular education.

The turning point in his life happened on a day when, on arriving home from work as a cockroach killer, weighing 134kg, Goggins turned on the television on the Discovery Channel where he watched a program that would change his life forever: SEAL training in Hell Week.

I can already see in this story that this guy is 1% of 1%. And its trajectory brings lessons about discomfort, resilience, and discipline.

Can't Hurt Me Book

You cant hurt me

3 of the main lessons of the book are:

  • No matter where you've been or how hard your life has been, you can always get stronger.
  • Instead of believing that success comes all at once, work hard and keep aiming to be your best version.
  • Take advantage of the 40% rule to become the master of your mind and achieve much more than you have ever thought possible.

You can overcome any obstacle

Watch this video from the Replay-Motivation youtube channel:

Goggins did not have an easier childhood with an abusive father, which led to him passing high school with almost no reading ability. 

At the age of 20, he went from job to job aimlessly and accumulating problems and weight until he saw a documentary about the navy.

After seeing that Navy Seals documentary, he decided to enter, and after 3 months of hard work, he reached the necessary weight to be able to pass the test.

And from there, he began to create his story step by step, surpassing himself every day. 

He achieved it by ceasing to consider himself a victim.

He began to see the world as the best training place, a place made just to train his mind.

"Every time you want to quit and give up, open the "Fuck "box. In this box, you have all the things that you have had to go through and overcome. Use it as a tool to grow.

All the problems you find in your life are one more way to make you strong if you overcome them.

Work hard and exceed your limits

Victory comes from getting the best of you when you feel the worst.

According to Goggins, it all depends on your work ethic.

We love quick and painless, easy solutions, but learning to control yourself is no easy solution for becoming a teacher.

If you don't have time to achieve, you don't, create it. Nobody likes to wake up early, but if there is no other way to do it, you do it.

We have to understand that when the going gets tough, it is the moment when we have the greatest opportunity to strengthen our minds and overcome our limits.

"Victory comes from getting the best of you when you feel the worst."


The 40% rule: Stop using 40% of your effort, give it 100%

First, watch this video from the WordToTheWise youtube channel:

Do you know that feeling at the end of a long exercise session where you feel like you've done everything you can you'ven't take it anymore?

According to Goggins, you still have 60% of your abilities intact. You have not reached your limit, you just think that you have reached your limit.

We are used to stopping when we think it hurts because we have not been taught to exceed our limits and constantly improve.

Only when you get over that feeling and dedicate yourself to doing what you know you have to do, only then can you grow.

Exceeding the 40% limit will teach you that you can do much more, it will allow you to expand your limits. 

Overcoming that barrier will give you what it takes to outperform your competitors and achieve extraordinary results.

The Unbreakable

If you are looking for a way to push yourself beyond your limits, then this guy is the right person for you!

His brutal quotes get your lazy a*s to work hard and make to fight and grow against any obstacle that you face!

Read these inspiring quotes from the toughest man on the planet, share them with your friends, and let his philosophy guide us all in our lives. 

This Podcast from The Rich Roll Podcast can help you to become unbreakable:



Best David Goggins Quotes

1- “Motivation is crap. Motivation comes and goes. When you’re driven, whatever is in front of you will get destroyed.”

Imagine what you can do when you are driven!


2- “I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m done.”

This one is my favourite! David is truly the master of transformation!


3- “The only person who was going to turn my life around was me. The only way I could get turned around was to put myself through the worst things possible that a human being could ever endure.”

The only person who was going to turn my life around was me. The only way I could get turned around was to put myself through the worst things possible that a human being could ever endure

We all need to understand that only we can save or destroy our lives! Period!


4- “Always be willing to embrace ignorance, because that is the only way to expand your body of knowledge and body of work. It’s the only way to expand your mind.”

Always be willing to embrace ignorance, because that is the only way to expand your body of knowledge and body of work. It’s the only way to expand your mind.

Mind and body are connected, and when you learn a way to expand them, you become invincible.


5- “Greatness pulls mediocrity into the mud. Get out there and get after it.”

Greatness pulls mediocrity into the mud. Get out there and get after it

We have one life! Don't waste time and turn mediocrity into mud once and for all!


6- “You gotta start your journey. It may suck, but eventually you will come out the other side on top.”

It's so much better to lose than never try! Start now!


7- “You can will yourself to do almost anything you want.”

You can will yourself to do almost anything you want

Whether you think you can do it or you can't, you are both right!


8- “Mental toughness is a lifestyle.”

Mental toughness is a lifestyle

When you choose the discipline and training, you will end up in a "Never Give Up" lifestyle.


9- “You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realising your true potential.”

You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realising your true potential

What a quote! What can be more devastating than living your whole life not knowing your true potential?


10- “Tell yourself the truth! That you’ve wasted enough time, and that you have other dreams that will take courage to realise, so you don’t die a f*cking p*ssy.”

Tell yourself the truth! That you’ve wasted enough time, and that you have other dreams that will take courage to realise, so you don’t die a fcking pssy

DONT DIE A F*KING P*SSY! Find your full potential!


11- “Life is a battle between trying to find more of yourself knowing that the real you is afraid, likes comfort, likes to be patted on the back, and doing what you need to do to get better.”

Life is a battle between trying to find more of yourself knowing that the real you is afraid, likes comfort, likes to be patted on the back, and doing what you need to do to get better

Are you ready for the battle? Guards up!


12- “Don’t limit expectations of yourself and settle for anything less than what you are truly capable of achieving.”

Don’t limit expectations of yourself and settle for anything less than what you are truly capable of achieving

High expectations usually will result in better achievements. 


13- “The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one.”

The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one

Your attitude shapes your world. Make sure it is you make a good one.


14- “Nobody cares what you did yesterday. What have you done today to better yourself?”

Nobody cares what you did yesterday. What have you done today to better yourself

Take one more step toward your dream today!


15- “People take classes on self-help, mental toughness, breathing control – the only way to get tougher is to put yourself in hellacious situations.”

People take classes on self-help, mental toughness, breathing control – the only way to get tougher is to put yourself in hellacious situations

Put Yourself In The Position Where there is no turning back!


16- “The worst thing that can happen to a man is to become civilised.”

The worst thing that can happen to a man is to become civilised

By civilizing, he means being soft and lazy.


17- “You want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people. Period.”

You want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people. Period

A perfect quote, that all I can say!


18- “Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become literally obsessed to the point where people think you're f*cking nuts.”

Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become literally obsessed to the point where people think you're fcking nuts.

Do you have the courage to achieve your dreams?


19- “Life is one big tug of war between mediocrity and trying to find your best self.”

Life is one big tug of war between mediocrity and trying to find your best self

Do you understand? It's a war! Prepare yourself.


20- “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training

You can catch a fish by dreaming about it! You have to go to the sea and train fishing!


21- “If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.” 

If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness

Ignore the feeling and just do it!


22- “The mind is the most powerful thing in the world. The mind has capabilities that are so unknown, and being able to tap into that is on the other side of suffering.”

The mind is the most powerful thing in the world. The mind has capabilities that are so unknown, and being able to tap into that is on the other side of suffering

Train your mind to be a warrior at any moment.


23- “Suffering is a test. That’s all it is. Suffering is the true test of life.”

Suffering is a test. That’s all it is. Suffering is the true test of life

What doesn't kill you, then surely it can make you so much stronger. 


24- “And if you fail again, so the fuck be it. Take the pain. Repeat these steps and keep fighting.”

And if you fail again, so the fuck be it. Take the pain. Repeat these steps and keep fighting

Repetition is a necessary step in accomplishing your dreams. 


25- “Seeds burst from the inside out in a self-destructive ritual of new life.”

Seeds burst from the inside out in a self-destructive ritual of new life

You can make a new person out of yourself.


26- “High achievement doesn’t require inborn talent. It requires working your ass off. Period.”

High achievement doesn’t require inborn talent. It requires working your ass off. Period

Practice can help you to achieve any goal! 


27- “I became the roughest critic in the world on myself, and that’s what truly changed me.”

I became the roughest critic in the world on myself, and that’s what truly changed me

Be kind to others and hard to yourself! That the key to success in life.


28- “Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance, and beautiful silence.”

Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance, and beautiful silence

Pain can turn you into the best version of yourself.


29- “It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you.”

It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you

It reminds me of a famous quote from Nitzech: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."


30- “Never let people who choose the path of least resistance steer you away from your chosen path of most resistance.”

Never let people who choose the path of least resistance steer you away from your chosen path of most resistance

Other people's perception of you is none of your business! Period!

Original Article:


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